July month was the beginning of all the fun and frolic. I was all excited and stoked with my scheduled trip to India in August. Believe me I was much more eager this time than my first visit, and this is all because it was not a regular visit. This time is was a purposeful visit, a ceremonious visit. It was my sister’s marriage. I think it was one of the precious moments of my life. I did all the shopping and bought the tickets and was waiting for my time to fly high.
The trip was fabulous. Journey was really smooth and slick. The event was tremendous. I lived in the event; I soaked fully in the tears of joy. It was heartening to see my sis in bridal ware. It wouldn’t have happened without the association of my brother. He worked hard to make this occasion memorable. Kudos to one and all.
Then came September, and I had to wake up from my dream of stay in India. Work was calling me. For the second time in the year, I had to fly back to rat hole. But this time with satisfaction filled eyes. I felt a kind of accomplishment this time. But deep down somewhere I was terrified with the fact of returning to isolated/quarantined myself and it resulted in taking me down for a week or so.
After this, in the following three months, I had reunions with my friend. One in North West, one is west coast and last one in central east. All these were a bundle of joy. I really cherished each and every moment of these GTs. I lived my life in each of them and waited for another one to come along, like waiting for sunrise to banish the darkness. It was enthralling to see some of my friends after years. Even though time gone by, our friendship is as strong as and as beautiful as wall of china.
This brings me to December. This month was supposed to be a month of happy holidays. I did have holidays, but the work load was overwhelming. I was completely occupied with the work and deadlines. And in the holidays I took trip of Charlotte. Stayed over there couple of days and got back home after Christmas. Stay was joyous and back journey was like an onus on me. I spent my holidays home all alone. My daily schedule was get up watch a movie eat and watch a movie and have dinner and watch a movie and sleep off. I spent my days mostly under roof, locked inside my apartment. I dint speak for two days. It was like living in an isolated island, but the truth is I am living right in the middle of the town, as one among the society. I am not blaming anyone but me. I am the reason for what I am today. I regret and love it. Anyhow this is me and my year 2007. It was neither a spectacular one nor a sordid one. It was jus like any other year.
Today is December, 31st. Ring of the mobile woke me up, and it was my mom. She woke me up to remind me of the date and remind me to keep myself safe. Moms are all like that. They just want their kid to be hale and healthy. And just like that my day started with all smiles. Believe me today is lot shinier even though sun was still sleeping and darkness was still reigning the central zone of US.